Friday 20 November 2015

The road to prosperity …

-my education -my life

As I speak,  personal stories of local people with different levels of education describing how their education has been of value to them in their jobs and in their personal lives are being aired on the Mondolkiri radio. 

These stories were put together in collaboration with a variety of developing partners: POE - Ministry of Education, ICC,  NH, ICS – VSO youths, my two VSO assistance, Savy and Panha.  Whilst 10 slots per month for vignettes of people’s personal stories are being broadcasted throughout the months of November and December, a personal story of these local people will be posted during that same period of time for follow-up support to the various communities throughout MDK.   

Comments and suggestions are welcome for all following stories :)

Village Chief Elder and School Support Committee Leader
Greetings!  I am Kol Nem.  I am a 66-year-old Khmer male and I was born in Takao Province.  I now live in PouLong village, Mondulkiri Province with my beautiful Bunong wife for 36 years.  
I want to let you know that I have no formal education per se. My family was so poor that they cannot send us, 3 children to school.  The school at that time was very far away for any of us to attend school and this was an obstacle for me if I wanted to study; I would have to leave my family and go to a different town.
During my younger days, I moved to Mondulkiri Province and became an army driver for 4 years.   After the war ended,  I moved to PouLoung village where I met my beautiful Bunong wife; where I was soon elected by the people of my village to be the Village Chief elder, to support the school committee at Poulong Village School and, to work closely with parents, teachers and the school director.  At first, I was reluctant to accept these positions that was bestowed upon me, because I did not have the experience or the know how to help the people in PouLong Village.   After some years passed, with the help of my people, I gained  the confidence and the experience that I needed, to do a good job.   During that same period of time, I also worked with livestock to earn the extra money for my family and the community.  Today, I still provide the medicine to take care of livestock, so you might consider me as the veterinarian, the Village Chief Elder and the School Support Committee Leader of PouLong Village.  
As the Village Chief and School Committee Leader at Poulong Village School, it is our responsibility, mine and the people in this committee to encourage parents to give their children the education that I, and many like me never received:  to send their children to school and to let them stay in school.
My message for you all parents, is to send your children to school. You need to know that school enrollment is free to all children!  The more educated the Cambodian Citizens are, the more our citizens will benefit as a whole from this growth.   Education will lead us to freedom, the freedom to choose our own future!   Equally significant, Remember to maintain your ethnic Bunong culture: getting an education also means that you are preserving your Bunong cultural identity.

ប្រធានភូមិនិង គណៈកម្មការទ្រទ្រងសាលា

            បើនិយាយអោយចំទៅខ្ញុំមិនបានទទួលការអប់រំអីអោយល្អប្រសើរប៉ុន្មាននោះទេប៉ន្តែប្រជាជនបានធ្វើការបោះឆ្នោតជ្រើសយករូបខ្ញុំដើម្បីជួយដល់គណៈកម្មធិការនៅសាលាពូលុង។ ខ្ញុំធ្វើជាមួយហ្នឹង ឪពុកម្តាយសិស្ស គ្រូបង្រៀន ហើយនិងនាយកសាលា។ ការធ្វើការជាមួយពួកគេបានជួយអោយខ្ញុំបង្កើតគណៈកម្មធិការប្រចាំសាលាដ៏ល្អមួយ ដែលគណៈកម្មធិការនេះមានទួនាទីលើកទឹកចិត្តដល់ឪពុកម្តាយអោយបញ្ជូនកូនៗរបស់ពួកគេអោយទទួលបានការសិក្សានៅក្នុងសាលា ហើយនឹងអនុញ្ញាតិអោយកូនៗរបស់ពួកគេបានស្នាក់នៅក្នុងសាលា។ សាលាពូលុងត្រូវបានជាប់ឈ្មោះជាសាលាគំរូមួយដោយសារតែមានការខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែង និងមានការចូលរួមពីសហគមន៍ទាំងមូល។
នៅក្នុងភូមពូលុងទាំងមូលឪពុកម្តាយសិស្សទាំងអស់អោយតម្លៃខ្លាំងទៅលើការអប់រំ ហើយកូនៗរបស់ពួកគេគឺសុទ្ធតែបានចូលរៀនគ្រប់ៗគ្នា ហើយថែមទាំងទទួលបានលទ្ធផលល្អនៅក្នុងការសិក្សារបស់ពួកគេទៀតផង។
            ​​នៅក្នុងជីវិតផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនវិញ ខ្ញុំអាចជួយដល់ប្រពន្ធក៏ដូចជាសហគមន៍បានច្រើន។ ខ្ញុំគិតថាយើងនឹងអាចសម្រេចគោលដៅដែលយើងរំពឹងទុកបាន ដោយមានការចូលរួមពីអង្គការអន្តរជាតិផ្សេងៗ ហើយនឹងអាចធ្វើអោយសហគមន៍របស់យើងល្អប្រសើរជាងមុន។
            ឪពុកម្តាយគ្រប់រូបគួរតែបញ្ចូនកូនទៅចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀន ពីព្រោះការចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀនមិនមានការបង់ប្រាក់ទេ។ កាលណាប្រជាជនទូទៅជាពិសេសកុមារនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាទាំងមូល ទទួលបានការអប់កាន់តែច្រើន ពេលនោះប្រទេសយើងហ្នឹងមានការរីកចំរើនកាន់តែលឿន។ ការទទួលបានការអប់រំបានច្រើន នឹងធ្វើអោយយើងមានភាពម្ចាស់ការនៅក្នុងការសម្រេចចិត្តលើអនាគត់របស់ខ្លួនយើងផ្ទាល់ បើយើងមិនទទួលបានការអប់រំនោះយើងនឹងនៅតែទន់ខ្សោយបែបនេះរហូត។
More later :)

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